
Thursday, January 1, 2015

January 2015 CURRENTLY

I am linking up with Farley for the Currently Linky Party! I can't believe 2015 is HERE! This year is going to be filled with many joys, surprises, and growth. 

Listening- Did you know Friends is on NETFLIX now? Between this and Criminal Minds, I need at LEAST 2 more weeks of winter break. 

Loving- Winter Break. Y'all. I've worn pajamas for the majority of my break. Embarrassing? Maybe a little. I feel TRULY relaxed.

Wanting- Another week of vacation. Don't get me wrong. Part of me is always ready to go to work... downside to loving your job... but the other part of me? Is loving being a lazy lounger. My day consists of Netflix, puzzles, my new KEYBOARD, reading, and doing home things for my sweet man friend. :) I wish he was able to take some time off to spend with me, but this is one of their busy times, so that's a NO. Oh well. Chicago is only two months away!

Needing- I need to start figuring out my life for school. Which means I need to go up to the school... but I'm going to push it off a couple more days. :)

2015 GOALS-
YES- I took the time to fill in my goal journal for 2015. I started this last year, and it really helped me stay on track. It's like  diary... but more bullet point style. :) The one I'm most excited for? Running 300 miles this year. I think I can easily do it. Running brings me such joy/relaxation- 99% of the time at least. 
Maybe- I would like to keep my room/bathroom from looking like a broke college girl... but I spend so much time at work, I really enjoy my downtime when I get home. 
I Wish- I seriously don't know how people do everything they need to do during the week AND plan amazing lessons for the next week. I've yet to be able to do it. If you can? PLEASE TELL ME YOUR WAYS! 

Here's to a happy and healthy 2015, y'all!! 



  1. I LOVE Friends! I have also been in my pajamas or workout clothes the entire break, seriously! I'm gonna die when I have to dress up next week!

    I love your goal for running 300 miles! I tried to run a 5k with a friend today and almost died. I'm just not there. I can do the elliptical, dance, step, and all sorts of stuff at the gym, but running isn't my thing! Good luck with that!


    Mrs. Payton's Precious Kindergarteners

    1. Ah! Don't even mention dressing up! After all the junk I've had, I'm scared I won't even fit in my dress pants!!

      I started running in April. It was time that I did something for me, and I LOVE IT. I'm crazy slow, but the only person I'm "racing" is myself!

  2. HeyCassie! Found you through Currently! and noticed you are from Texas too!! Maybe just around the corner...which could always be 10 hours away and still be in Tx haha...I adore Criminal Minds! Netflix is such an addiction haha! Happy New year!!
    The Blessed OCDiva

    1. Yes! I'm in the DFW area. :-) Love how big and different Texas is!

      Happy New Year!

  3. I'm also a fellow Friends fan! Best. Show. Ever! My husband, BFF, and I quote it constantly. I would love another week off, too, but the longer the break, the harder it is for me to go back. Monday is going to be rough! I fully admire your running goals. My out-of-shape self would struggle to run to my mailbox right now! Happy 2015! :)

    First Grade STARS

    1. I'm obsessed with Friends. And Criminal Minds. It's embarrassing.

      Monday is going to be extremely rough- I know a lot of districts that have a staff development that day... and I am JEALOUS.

      Happy 2015. :)

  4. I can't think of anyone who doesn't love friends. In my mind I am Rachel, but I know deep down I am more of a Monica.When I first got married, I was subbing, so i would watch Friends all day when I did not have jobs. I wish that show was still on tv! I also spent a lot of time in my yoga pants on vacation, but I feel like I lost a few days with being sick. Happy New Year!

  5. Hi Cassie! I have nominated you for a Liebster Award! Check out my post Liebster Award to learn how you can accept your award.
