
Friday, June 20, 2014

Storify My Life...

I went in this morning ready to learn from George Couros, and what happens? I GET A KEYNOTE SHOUT OUT FROM HIM. After the first few minutes of wanting to curl up in a ball from embarrassment, I realized that this.was.COOL. I also realized that I have to blog and reflect if he is going to tell all of my coworkers I am blogging and reflecting!

The only logical thing to do next was to go to his next session on blogging! I went to his breakout session where he again pulled up my blog, but this time I was ready to learn. He gave me some solid advice on how to use my blog to share my learning AND to showcase what I am doing as an educator.

At the end of the session, George challenged me to create a Storify with tweets from #iDesign14. I skimmed through over 1900 tweets (I have a lot of free time in the summer) and chose ones that meant something to me, and that I would like to reference back to. I hope you find it useful!

Live Life Out Loud.


  1. You were the star of the need to be embarrassed :) Glad to see you are tagging stuff as well. Keep up with it, and in about month, you will be giving the session on this stuff!

    Thanks for being so open to stuff! Glad you got your assignment done early and can now enjoy the weekend ;)


  2. Cassie,

    I am seriously so very bummed that I missed your "star" day! It sounds like recognition was given where it was due ;)

    Keep blogging! You're doing great! I love reading your reflections.

    Going Places in Fourth Grade
