
Sunday, July 17, 2016

The Best Laid Plans

After attending #cisdlitcamp, I had the best intentions of reading, blogging, and growing myself as a reader and writer in order to grow my learners in August. I was doing great at first- I was reading books, I wrote my first blog post in over a YEAR, and was doing research for my 2nd one... and then I got the call that my Grandpaw was in the ICU and it was unlikely that he was going to survive.

I took the first plane down to Houston on Friday, June 24, and was there for 2 weeks, until he passed away on July 5th, 2016. While I know one day I will feel ready to write about what happened, today is not that day.

My Grandpaw and I over Memorial Weekend

Today is just simply to say that I'm back and ready to dive back into the world of books and writing. 

While my summer hasn't gone exactly as planned, I did still go on my trip to San Francisco and Las Vegas! If you've never been to San Francisco, I highly recommend it! It's one of my favorite places!

Joe and I with Bay Bridge

Me in a Tree :-)

The PRETTIEST PLANT! IF you know what it is, LET ME KNOW! 



  1. Cassie!! We went to SF, also. I THINK the plant might bougainvillea. They were all over Monterey and some in SF. We did a boat tour (Bridge to Bridge) and a couple of the bus tours. So worth it! Glad you're back and so sorry about your grandpa.

  2. I'm so sorry to hear about your grandpa - it sounds like he was extremely loved! Looking forward to reading more of your reflections on his life and your vacations!

  3. I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa. My sister-in-law was killed in a car crash ten months ago and just yesterday I wrote about her for the first time in my journal. While I'm not ready to post the piece on my blog, I was glad for the moment I could write about her. It will come for you, too. In the meantime, write about anything...or focus on other things and come back to it. I think we have to forgive ourselves for lapses in updating our blogs. After all, life is happening all around us!
